Head of State Luxury Crystal Bracelet


Consider this crystal bracelet an essential in your accessory wardrobe AND your Queendom.

With your very own Head of State Luxury Crystal Bracelet you can expect:

  • Firstly, expect to experience courageousness and determination through each decision you are faced with
  • Secondly, expect to release what is no longer serving you while wearing your Head of State bracelet
  • Get ready to experience wealth, power, and positivity

Our Luxury Crystal Bracelets feature an array of intuitively chosen gemstones strung together with a special intention.


Gold coloured findings and spacers, 10mm genuine crystal beads, stretchy elastic, available in three sizes because everyone deserves a perfect fit

Featured Crystals

Tourmalinated Quartz

shifting your mindset from negative to positive

Tiger's Eye

wealthy energy, protective of energy, set financial goals

Smoky Quartz

letting go of what no longer serves you


attracting wealth and bringing more money into your life- it's time to live like a QUEEN, baby!


The Vibe

Many people will panic to find a phone charger before their phone dies but won't panic to find a plan before their dream dies.

-Elon Musk

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