Divine Pressure Luxury Crystal Bracelet


Consider this crystal bracelet an essential in your accessory wardrobe AND your lifeline when life throws you some curveballs

With your very own Divine Pressure Luxury Crystal Bracelet you can expect:

  • Firstly, expect to experience divine support, increased integrity, and a calming energy
  • Secondly, expect to feel confident and fearless in the pursuit of your dreams
  • Get ready to create diamonds, baby!

Our Luxury Crystal Bracelets feature an array of intuitively chosen gemstones strung together with a special intention.


Rose gold colour spacers and findings, 10mm genuine crystal beads, stretchy elastic, available in three sizes because everyone deserves a perfect fit

Featured Crystals


high standards of integrity. open communication. calming, goal oriented energy. emotional expression

Crazy Lace Agate

confident and balancing energy. bringing confidence, vitality, and fearlessness


re-energizing, healing, happy energy. focus your mind

The Vibe

I will not accept that I am stressed, rather,
"under divine pressure". This is my narrative shift and it's how diamonds are created, babe.

-Spirit Collab

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