Creatrix of Life Luxury Crystal Bracelet


Consider this crystal bracelet an essential part in becoming a literal portal for human life. Women are magnificent creatures, aren’t we?

With your very own Creatrix of Life Luxury Crystal Bracelet you can expect:

  • Healing- if you’ve experienced the magic of creation, the tragedy of loss, or the disappointment of infertility.
  • Increased fertility and libido
  • Becoming more present and mindful
  • Feelings of bravery
  • Reminders of how powerful you are

However your journey into motherhood is going for you, these crystals are here to support the transition.

Our Luxury Crystal Bracelets feature an array of intuitively chosen gemstones strung together with a special intention.


Rose gold colour spacers and findings, 10mm genuine crystal beads, stretchy elastic, available in three sizes because everyone deserves a perfect fit

Featured Crystals


wise, passionate, new beginnings and endings, creative, lucky energy, sooth your emotions and invite intuitive insight into your life


overcoming self-imposed blocks and grief. bringing the energy of emotional balance, fertility, and mindfulness


creative, passionate, powerful and courageous energy, brings vitality, confidence, fertility, and personal power

The Vibe

The eternal mother, the sacred and sensual vessel of creation and transformation.

She is the one who births and transmutes;

She is the portal between worlds, through which all life flows.

-Sara Sophia Eisenman